Dec 30, 2020
RX’D Radio welcomes Muscle Coach Mike Barnes to the stand! Mike is a national-level bodybuilder and strength coach based out of the Toronto area, and he hosts the podcast, Buried Under the Bar. Today we take a deep dive into what it really takes to be a competitive bodybuilder.
Shallow and Mike begin the discussion...
Dec 23, 2020
This week on RX’D Radio, Dr. Shallow and our guest host, Pre-Script™ Head Coach in Canada, Killian Hamilton welcomes Coach James Thayer to the podcast. James is an experienced Ace Fitness and Pre-Script™ L1 Coach. He owns Byproduct Performance and currently runs Campus Recreation at Washburn University.
Dec 16, 2020
This week the head honchos are back with exciting news regarding the release of Pre-Script™’s latest Introduction to Weightlifting Course, releasing TODAY at
Since they were last together, Shallow went to a gun store to play with firearms and explosives, and Jiunta asked his gal Fran to marry...
Dec 9, 2020
Killian Hamilton joins Dr. Jordan Shallow on RX’D Radio this week, to provide more context around the fast-approaching release of the Pre-Script ™ Skill Acquisition Course. The duo gives us the18 month, behind-the-scenes conversation that led to the creation of this course. As Killian describes it, “the death and...
Dec 2, 2020
This week Dr. Jordan Shallow and Killian Hamilton welcome back Tony Montgomery Jr to the RX’D Radio podcast. One of the most impressive individuals you may ever meet, Tony is a US veteran and is a member of the Elite FTS crew. Tony has expertise in competitive strength sports as well as nutrition coaching, and he...